Building wealth through a pension is a common way, sometimes mandatory. In doing so, you have no control over the management.
Building wealth in retirement: advantages and disadvantages
Pension accrual is a popular way to create wealth. In the Netherlands, it is even often mandatory for employees to participate in a pension plan. This offers security for later, but what exactly are the advantages and disadvantages of this way of saving? In this article we discuss all facets that are relevant, including the disposition and use of your pension money.
- Tax benefit: The premiums you pay for your pension are tax deductible. This means you pay less net than you put in gross.
- The employer contributes: In most cases, your employer also pays part of the pension premium. This is an added benefit, as you would otherwise have to raise this money yourself.
- Automatic savings: You don't have to think about saving for retirement yourself. This is done automatically through your employer.
- Protected from creditors: Your retirement money is basically untouchable from creditors. This means you can rest assured that you will still have this money later.
- Collective benefit: Because many people join a pension plan together, you can benefit from lower costs.
- No influence on investment policies: You have no influence on how your retirement money is invested. This means you are at risk of lower returns than if you invested yourself.
- Longer term: You can't dispose of your retirement money until you reach state pension age. This means you can't access it for a long time.
- Limited flexibility: You can't withdraw money from your pension in the interim in most cases.
- Uncertainty about the amount of your pension: The amount of your pension depends on a number of factors, including the amount of your salary, the premium you pay and the return on investments. This means there is no certainty about how much you will receive later.
Decision and utilization
When you reach state pension age, there are several ways you can dispose of your retirement money. For example, you can choose to:
- Receive a periodic benefit: This is the most common way to use your retirement money. You will receive a fixed amount each month.
- Receive a capital lump sum: In some cases, it is possible to receive your retirement money in a lump sum. However, this is not always possible and may have tax disadvantages.
- Choose a combination of both: You can also choose to receive part of your retirement money in one lump sum and the rest as a periodic payment.
How you want to use your retirement money depends on your personal circumstances. It is important to think about this carefully before making a choice.
Building wealth in retirement has both advantages and disadvantages. It is important to weigh these carefully before deciding whether this is the right way for you to save.